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Research > Research Center
RVS R&D Centre will help in developing the new creative, cost effective and innovative ideas among students and staff members and also convert them ideas into product with the aid of various government funding agencies. This R & D centre is established in the year 1985. It is recognized Research centre of Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (SIRO), Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR), Govt. of India.
Our faculty members and research scholars have been publishing Research papers in different refereed journals of international and national repute and also presented papers in various conferences, seminars and symposia held at national and International levels. National level Seminars, conferences and symposia were organized by various departments of our institute for benefit of students’ community.
Periodically this R & D centre conducting students level Project Expos to showcase their innovative ideas. Best projects is send to various funding agencies like Tamil Nadu State Council for Science & Technology (TANSCST), AICTE, DRDO, DSIR, ISRO, DST, etc. Our faculty and students successfully got many funds from TANSCST, AICTE and DST, etc.
Currently we are focusing on the social related problems like Energy Production System and saving methodologies, low cost solar street lights, low cost water purification system, Green composite materials, Seamless communication and signal distribution systems and Big data analysis tools, etc.,

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